Trainings / Workshops

We develop a customized training concept for you and support you in its implementation. It is important to us to sense and understand the culture, language, and interactions within your organization in order to create a tailored concept for you and your employees. Upon request, we work with professional seminar actors to better represent professional practice. Using real-life scenarios, your employees can experiment, reflect, and learn in a safe environment. This makes the transfer to everyday work easier.

excerpt from our training portfolio:

  • Communication skills
  • Stress management
  • Conflict management
  • Time and self-management
  • Leadership
  • Intercultural competence
  • “First impression” training

Train the Trainer

The personnel selected for trainings / workshops will be trained by us and supported throughout the further process, enabling you to conduct the training measures in-house in the near future. The goal is to prepare the trainers as best as possible for independently conducting trainings/workshops.

Training: 1-2 day implementation of the “train the trainer” course. The contents of the training include, among others:

  • Moderation and presentation techniques
  • Interactive learning Individual and group exercises
  • Giving and receiving feedback
  • Dealing with difficult participants/challenging situations
  • Specifics of the respective training
  • Reflection work

Accompaniment: We accompany your trainers during the implementation phase, observing, supporting, and providing honest and appreciative feedback. The duration of the accompaniment is individually coordinated with you and depends on the learning progress of your trainers. It is intended to always conduct this phase in the same tandem (InterMinds trainer and interviewer as a fixed “pair”) to continuously support the learning success and create a relationship based on trust.

Supervision: In this phase, a supervision session is aimed for, where the InterMinds team and your trainers come together in person. This session is intended to clarify all questions and difficulties that arose during the training and to provide comprehensive support. Furthermore, InterMinds is available to address any (urgent) questions and difficulties. The duration of this phase will be coordinated with you depending on the development status.